Loosely organized code of dubious utility and unasked-for autobiographical detail

About Me :ghost:

Projects :hammer:

AWS Neptune

This project includes a getting started guide to AWS Neptune; how to launch it, insert data manually and programmatincally, and visualize it with GraphExp.

Additionally, there are slides and only marginally-awkward video that provide an introduction and an overview of Graph Databases and go through the project.

I went for a run and somehow the Garmin .fit file got corrupted. Which really annoyed me because I was pretty sure I had set a PR for the year on the run. Anyway, one thing led to another and I made a site to convert corrupt @Garmin .FIT files into .GPX files that can still be imported into Garmin Connect:

The site is written in Python 3 and Angular 5. The backend deploys to AWS Lambda using AWS Chalice. You can check out the code here.

Satellites Above [Alexa Skill]

This Alexa skill accesses the user-provided device location, geolocates it, and queries the N2YO api to count the number of satellites overhead at that exactly moment.

It’s available in the Alexa Skill Marketplace

Learning :mag: